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Upper Dublin Friends Meetinghouse. Shhh! |
“Good morning, friends!”
That is the way Quaker meeting ends, with the Clerk standing up, then breaking the silence with this pleasant greeting. When I visit the local Friends Meetinghouse with my Confirmation classes, I’m always a bit relieved when the moment arrives--though I do enjoy the peace and quiet, it’s really hard for me to keep my mouth shut for a solid hour. I guess I would make a lousy Quaker. I’d probably do best at one of those churches where non-stop babbling is called “speaking in tongues” and is actually encouraged!
Anyway, It has been a nice little break from blogging, but it’s good to be back, “talking” with you all using my trusty keyboard. True to form, I’m not letting you get a word in edgewise, am I? Sorry!! But I do think of you all, and hope you are, and remain, well as we head (creep?) into Week #7 of The Big Shutdown. I had promised myself I would vary my post topics and not make this Corona Blog, and I have tried, but ignoring our world situation completely is both difficult, and a little tone-deaf.
Things are all good Chez Seyfried at the moment, for which I am profoundly grateful. If a bit of boredom is my worst symptom, I am lucky indeed. Here are a few things I’m learning:
How to Teach a Kindergartener Subtraction. Aiden has school time every day. The school district sends videos and lesson plans, which is helpful, and we take turns working with him. I’m enjoying my sessions, maybe because I know this will be the one and only time I’ll ever feel smart enough to teach any Math Concept, to anyone.
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School Time with Aiden and Mama |
How to Write Comedy Better. I entered a contest this week for humor writers. Each person makes up and posts 10 titles for possible pieces, then all the entrants vote for each others’ titles. Entries are then written using their most popular titles. There are some REALLY funny people participating, and everyone seems very supportive. I got the most votes for “Chicken Soup for the Soul-Crusher” so that will be my subject. Win or lose, It’s been a welcome diversion.
How to Make a Grocery List for At Least Two Weeks’ Worth of Food, Then Change All Menu Plans Because There’s No Flour, Ground Meat, Eggs or Salad Greens.
How to Zoom. Also FaceTime. Plus Google Hangouts. Getting very used to seeing people in little boxes and wondering which Brady each of them most resembles.
How to Translate Vacation Bible School to a Virtual Format.
I promised the parents a fun-filled, socially distant week for their tots. How hard could it be to play “Red Rover” online? About to find out!
I do wonder whether I will retain any of these new skills (knowing me, probably not), but for the moment I’m feeling pretty competent.
I will stop here while my post title is still accurate. Until next Saturday, stay safe!